Puneeth Rajkumar, Kalyani walk away with top awards

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Puneeth Rajkumar and Kalyani have bagged the best actor and Puneet has bagged the award for his role in Prithvi and Kalyani for Suicide.
Super, directed by Upendra, is the best film. Bhagavathi Kaadu, directed by K K Shivarudraiah, and Shabdamani, directed by Renukumar, have been chosen as the second and third best films. The best film will get Rs 1 lakh, 50gm gold medal and a citation. The best actor and actress will get Rs 20,000, 100gm silver medal and a citation.

Ramesh Bhat has been awarded the best supporting actor for his role in Uyyale, Vijayalakshmi Singh for a similar role in the female category for Veera Parampare and Gurukiran as the best music director for Mylari.

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